Friday, May 8, 2009

subway music

Every night when I walk home from work, and I make my way to the subway station, there are always the same buskers there to seemingly greet me. There is a young Chinese guy in a wheelchair and his friend on the guitar. Singing as the commuters walk on by.

One thing I love about subway stations is they usually lend themselves to great acoustics. I look forward to seeing the two of these guys sing together. They bring a sort of perspective in the rush of people that pass quickly by. When they sing, its like time slows down for a while.

Over the last few days however, I've noticed the guitarist hasn't been there. Just leaving his friend singing solo. I quietly admire him as I walk by most nights. Its quite brilliant actually. He has this kind of trusting, unwavering voice you somehow feel comforted by. Although I'm not a huge fan of Chinese pop music, his voice could potentially help it to grow on me.

I just wonder where his friend went. I hope he didn't change stations. I'm starting to miss his sweet music. Once I turn the corner into the station, I'm always looking to see if they are there. 

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