Monday, December 28, 2009

"look how they shine for you..."

I go home in 16 days. Visiting home and anticipating seeing my family and friends again always brings with it so many feelings and thoughts. I can't believe this year has come full circle. I think of all the things I have done this year, I sit back and smile. I wanted to share with you my most favorite moments...

...moving into my very own apartment for the first time, and in Beijing, and being completely freaked out.

...the feeling I had sleeping in my apartment for the first night.

...after a few months of living in Beijing, discovering my favorite hutong Nan Luo Guo Xiang, and walking down this street to discover some of my favorite shops in the city.

...having one of my best friends come to visit me.

...being invited into a strangers home in Xinjiang province, the furthest into the middle east I have ever been, and having a feast of grapes, tea and local treats. Also, hearing a different language around me made me realize how big China really is and how small I am. of my student's telling me something beautiful about herself.

...going on dates.

...sharing my music with people

...teaching a class about "home" and hearing the students share stories about what they love most about their families and hometowns.

...artificially induced snow in november.

...laughing so hard with friends I couldn't breathe.


...swimming in the ocean in Thailand, while the sun was setting.

...reading "The Shack"

....reading my journal from this past year and laughing and crying all at once.

...breaking into song with a friend on the subway on Christmas Eve in Beijing, and having people join in.

...a friend and I telling each other we could tell each other travel stories at any time and that we would always listen.

...a student who didn't really rub me the right way, coming up to me on Christmas Eve and instead of shaking my hand, gave me a great big hug.

...riding my bicycle down the streets of beijing in a downpour.

...growing more.

...writing my letter of intent for graduate school and having butterflies in my stomach.

...collecting more stamps in my passport

...creating more music

...seeing my mom's face at the airport in Beijing.'s bear hugs.

...becoming more afraid and less afraid at the same time

...going to church at a restaurant every Sunday and loving it.

...getting hand written letters from my grandma.

...Christmas Day with good friends in Beijing.

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