Since living away from home these past few years, I have been challenged to re-define my spirituality and look at how I observe Christian holidays. Easter seemed to come as a surprise this year. To be honest, I sort of forgot it was happening, and a week before on Palm Sunday, I remembered Easter was coming. While I felt disappointed with myself, I was immediately reminded that Jesus arrival was surprising. He came to Jerusalem on a donkey and I'm sure he caught many people off-guard. Not to mention his surprising resurrection!
Easter this year reminded me that I need to look for Him and wait on Him. The beautiful part of this is that He surprises us in ways we never expect. I go to an amazing church here in Beijing. Its a church for foreigners like myself. This in itself brings a sort of unique community that I have never been apart of. The night before church on Sunday, I had a song in my heart and I felt like I needed to share it with my congregation. While I was scared to ask, the next morning at church, one of the music leaders asked me to sing from the piano. I still don't understand why I get put in these positions, but somehow God continues to speak and move in ways I will never understand. He finds me wherever I am in this world.
Knowing this, my days are shaped differently now. I find myself living in anticipating from one moment to the next. Wondering what I will learn about His character and His plans for my life.
Here are the words from the song that was on my heart:
Elohim – the Creator
Jehovah Shammah – the Lord is there
My Master – Addonai
El Elyon – the God Most High
Yahweh – You are the Lord
Jehovah Raah – My Shepherd
Mekkodishkem – Who Sanctifies you
The Lord our Righteousness – Jehovah Tsidkenu
Worthy is your name
Worthy of all my praise
El Roi – the God Who sees
You are my banner – Jehovah Nissi
The All-Sufficient One – El Shaddai
Jehovah Jirah – You will provide
Rapha – The Lord Who Heals
Shalom – You are my Peace
The Lord of Hosts – Jehovah Sabaoth
El Olam – The Everlasting God
Words and Music by Laurell Hubick © 2004 Nectar Publishing (SOCAN)