Saturday, June 18, 2011

run and not grow weary...

So, I've been getting back into running again. Its been a while since I've invested myself in this. Before I moved abroad a few years ago, one summer I worked really hard and was running almost 4 times a week. I felt healthy, and I learned that running is more of a spiritual discipline for me. My time with God, my conversation with Him. I forgot how rewarding running is. Sometimes its really challenging as my feet feel like bricks. Other days I get a good song in my ear and I feel as though I could go for miles. I'll be honest with you, body image is something that I've struggled with for a huge part of my life. Running teaches me about myself - my potential, my strengths (and weakness!), and causes me to rely on God as He is the one who knows my body the best and He sees me as beautiful.

Since moving into the neighborhood of the Forbidden City here in Beijing, I look around me and I can't help but want to be outside and see every nook and cranny of this historic place, and I want to run. Run with everything that is in me.

I've been at it for about 6 weeks now, trying to run 3-4 times a week. I feel strong again. Healthy. Happy. And I've really started to notice results. They say you have to do something 21 times to make it a habit...I think I've slowly worked this back into my routine again.

I feel like I'm in a good season in my life right now. Working on my graduate degree, getting back into running, continuing with my life in China, and investing the time in myself that I have seemingly neglected in the past.

I don't write this entry purely to tell people, but to remind myself of how good I feel right now.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"If I am authentic as a teacher, I know of no other way to behave." - K. Frego.

Its 9pm here in Beijing, and I'm sitting in my study nook, with my cup of tea and witnessing a huge downpour outside, along with spectacular lightning display. I even have CBC jazz in the background, conveniently playing the tune "Somewhere over the Rainbow." Gosh, I really love this.

Spent the day reading a few Adult Ed. articles, and I am reminded of how good it feels to sit and work with ideas and reflect on various aspects of teaching. It is food for my soul. I've really been getting into aspects of authenticity in the classroom and how it can influence relationships with students and their learning. What does it mean to be authentic exactly? One particular article resonated with me a great deal, entitled "Cultural Dimensions of Authenticity in Teaching." I've really started to become more aware of the relative aspects of authenticity in a person, depending on what culture you come from. In North America, we value speaking up for ourselves, whereas in Asian countries like China, they seemingly value maintaining balance with in a group and not choosing an extreme.

So, how are we, as adult educators, to approach our practice? What does it mean to be authentic when working with learners coming from a variety of cultural backgrounds different from my own? When are we inauthentic? Is authenticity something we strive for, avoid, or ignore? And why? The more I get into reading and writing, the more questions I feel I have.

I read a quote from an international student studying in America, and she said, "I feel a strong moment of authenticity when I come to appreciate the fact that as an international student, I am creating a new self identity by staying longer in another culture, but in marginalized way. A moment of authenticity is to be truthful to the fact of my marginality: yes, this is the way I live. I come to appreciate that my values and how I view the world are products of this unique marginality..."

In my reflections today, I thought a great deal about the extent to which I have experienced the same thing, a shift in my self identity as a result of living and working in this particular context of China.

Just like the musicians in the jazz music I'm currently listening to, and how they use the key they have been given but put their own twist on the melody...perhaps I am doing the same in my own life. I have the right key, but I'm still working out the melody I want to create.