Tuesday, February 10, 2009

a brand new day: finding my very own apartment

Joshua Radin says it perfectly in his song "Brand New Day"

It’s a brand new day
The sun is shinning
It’s a brand new day
For the first time
In such a long long time
I know
I’ll be ok

Today, I found my apartment. After going back and forth in the same area of Beijing, and beginning to become extreemely skeptical that I would find anything in the next couple days, I made one last call. Little did I know this call would lead to my finding an apartment! As my agent and I made our way from the subway, just a short 7 minute walk, I looked around and knew that I would like this area of the city (Shaungling)  - a few supermarkets, a shopping mall close by, a gym, a fruit stand and a hospital across the street from my building.

After I walked into the apartment, I seemed to instantly feel that this was the place for me. It felt open and bright as soon as you walk in. This one bedroom, one living room place has large windows, lots of storage space, and just a generally good feel! I wish I could somehow describe it better. Being this was the first place that I was finding just for myself, I wanted it to have the feeling of being home and a place that expressed who I am. I felt this as soon as I peeked my head in the door.

I feel excited and scared all at once. Like I have stepped into something that I know will again change my life. I'm excited to have friends stay over, and to have my parents come to stay there in a few months, to put up my photography, to find a place for my keyboard and to go to my new church just a few stops away. This place represents something for me. I guess I will be finding out this "something" along the way as I beging my life in Beijing.

Tommorrow, I have my first day at my brand new school. Looking forward to meeting new students and new faces!

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