Saturday, February 14, 2009

keys in my hand and goin with the season...

Today, I signed the contract for my very own apartment. And, I now I have the keys in my hand. Literally, no confusion, no frustration, some anxiety, but more excitement.

I'm learning there is no need to complicate, but to just go with the season I am in , and be strong, and enjoy the new experience of living on my own. 

Now, I'm just brainstorming the first thing I want to do when I move in.


David said...

Your mom and I are sitting in the airport waiting for flight to Miami. Can't wait to see your new place in October. Enjoy

Jacinda said...

woohooo! Im so excited for you. Enjoy your new place! Cant wait till i can be there and check it out.

Happy Valentines Day!!

Anonymous said...

"Now, I'm just brainstorming the first thing I want to do when I move in"
Maybe the action is kissing key on your hands and rushing to bedroom and lie on bed with a beautiful color and lookning up the ceiling`````````
Ha ha ```
That is only what I imagine.

Then, Jane, I am happy to read your blog to know what kind life you have now. And I knew everything's fine with you. I am happy to know that .h aha

Then, nowadays , I am so busy in my office. So I seldom come here to read your blog.
Now, this moment, I am at home, so it is a good time to read your blog.````ha ah

Best regards,