Tuesday, July 6, 2010

freedom in honesty

This Saturday evening at my church, the speaker was talking about walls in our lives, meaning the ones we need to build up, and others we need to tear down. We were challenged to pray with someone that we didn't know very well in the service. I told myself that I was just going to be honest with this person about what I needed prayer for. I was. About something I've been struggling with recently. Its kind of scary being honest with yourself, and others. But, I took that risk. I think something happens when you are honest...you are freed. Freed from that 'something' you've been holding onto. Its not like those "Aha!" moments Oprah talks about, but its a kind of quite release, where you allow yourself to be held in the arms of the Creator.

I used to feel guilty about being prayed for. Like I didn't deserve it somehow. I think that God uses other people to speak words of life to us. He wants to bless us through others.

Today, I walked into work and felt free. Free from the something I had been holding onto.

1 comment:

george said...


This is a wonderful blog! It was a very good read.

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So if you are interested in being a guest, please let me know.

Send me an Email:

Warm Regards,
George Christodoulou
Travel Blogger | OneTravel