Friday, February 6, 2009

beijing, day two: random acts of kindness

Today, I got on the subway to go to one of the centres to figure out some logistics about my school and contract. I got out at what I thought was the correct station, and I soon discovered I was lost in the middle of Beijing. I managed to hail down a taxi and got my TLC rep to speak to him in Chinese for me. I was on my way.

I heard something interesting about Beijing taxi drivers before I came here. Sujis (or taxi drivers) in Guangzhou only seem to care about getting to the destination and doing so in a way that can make them the most money. In Beijing, I've heard that taxi drivers will start up a conversation with you, ask you where you are from or talk about Chinese culture or something. Indeed, I soon discoved this is in fact true.

Later introducing him self as "Charlie", he was asking me how long I had been in Beijing and why I am in China. He told me he had never seen Canadian money before, so I gave him a toonie and he was obviously enthralled with it. I told him I love Beijing and I already have such a good impression of the people and the city. He told me the only thing he really knew about Canada was from hearing in school about a Canadian, Dr.Norman Bethune, who came to China in 1938 during the war and performed emergency surgery in the battlefields, and trained doctors and nurses. For many Chinese people, he is a hero. I told him I heard his name before and was happy that he thinks so highly of my country.

As I got out of the taxi, I asked him how much, and as I reached my hand into my purse, he exclaimed, "No.No.No. Don't worry about it!" I told him that I couldn't do that, I would feel too bad. He said, "It was nice to meet you, and welcome to Beijing!" He then extended his business card to me - including his Chinese name, his job title, and randomly his brother's phone number. On the back of the card it reads: 

"I love peace. I love life and I love you all. It will be my biggest pleasure to show you a real Beijing. Enjoy your trip to China from a good taxi ride."

I seriously don't get it. What is going on that I have these random acts of kindness? I can't believe it. So far, everything is going so well. 

I will be apartment hunting tommorrow with a local agent here. I'm really curious to see apartments here. I wonder what an adventure this alone will be. 

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