Saturday, April 16, 2011

Just at the Toronto airport right now, waiting to catch my connection to Beijing. I always hate this window of time...just waiting and waiting...knowing I will be lifting off Canadian soil. I've grounded myself since I've been home, in every sense of the word. Now, it feels as though those roots are being torn. If I'm going further with this whole tree metaphor, my time being back home has been a time of watering, new fruit being produced, and a new season now approaches...spring.

I like to convince myself I'm brave. And, I think I'm good at convincing others I'm brave as well. While living abroad in China has changed me in every way...I still get what my best friend calls 'leaving tummy.' You would think after almost 5 years that I just go through the motions of coming and going and that it somehow gets easier...

Well, it doesn't. It gets even harder.

But, I know that God is with me, and that the one thing that fuels me today is His Holy Spirit...leading me, guiding me, and comforting me...

I am where I need to be. His heart is my home.

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