Friday, April 15, 2011

another chapter ends and begins...

(the advisors and staff in the Master's of Adult Education Program)

(my advisor, Dr. Maureen Coady. Looking forward to working with her!)

(my amazing cohorts and the table we sat around for 3 weeks.)

I'm sitting here, surrounded by suitcases, journal articles, encouragement notes from my classmates and advisors, books, and tears are streaming down my face.

The past three weeks have been some of the most memorable days of my entire life. I've shared a classroom with 12 of the most amazing people I have met to date. We've shared stories, struggles, uncertainty, laughter, and exchanged ideas about our dreams for the future. I remember when I was a student in my undergrad, I would walk into the classroom and leave myself at the door. Being now a graduate student in Adult Education, I've realized that I need to bring myself into my own learning. I need to bring myself into the classroom. All my experiences, all my struggles, all my insecurities, my goals, and my dreams. This is all apart of my learning experience.

I looked around the classroom today as we finished up our time together, and I knew I was seeing people completely differently than when I first came here. Funny how that happens. I feel so excited, not only for my future research, but for my cohort's research as well: a dietitian researching power in the workplace using 'photovoice'; a university teacher of accounting, looking at creative ways to teach her students; another classmate researching galleries and how they contribute to adult learning; a university ESL instructor researching the experiences of Saudi Arabian women in Canada...the list goes on. All of us have use unique ideas. I can't wait to hear about how each project will unfold.

I just got off the phone with my mom and I told her about what I'm thinking of focusing on...teacher identity formation in a cross-cultural setting. I could feel myself getting so excited about the possibilities for research in this area that I feel very passionate about. I just realized too, that when I go back to China tomorrow, I not only have the support of my family and friends, but I also have an entirely NEW support cohorts and advisors who are just a phone call or email away! What an amazing feeling this is.

I still have so many questions in my mind - how do I want to shape this whole experience of self-directed learning? Want kind of accountability will I need? What kind of support will I need from my advisor? I guess this is for me to decide. I think this is going to be a process of guessing and testing, finding out what works and doesn't work for me.

One of our final activities in class today required us to write on pieces of paper a wish for ourselves for this program or what we want to tell ourselves. I wrote:

'You are a confident, intelligent, passionate, curious woman. You are exactly where you need to be at this point in your life. You are doing this for you, and you alone.'

I feel completely overcome with emotion and not knowing what to do with myself at this point, having just said 'so long' to an incredible group of people.

It had been so satisfying to be in a room with those who are passionate about the same things as you. I feel listened to and validated by my advisors. I feel ready to look more deeply into my own experience and bring this into my research. I want to not only make myself proud with my future research, but I also want to make my cohorts and advisors proud as well. We are all in this together. What a great community we have built for ourselves.

What a challenge that lies before all of us too. Let's keep the momentum going that we have started, and run the race of our Master's degrees. To all of my cohorts, I look forward to being on this journey with you. Let's help each other and encourage each other in any way we can. I look up to each of you.

I dedicate this post to all those in my support network - friends, family, cohorts, mentors, advisors...I do this because I have you in my life.

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