Tuesday, January 8, 2008

the works of Your hands...

With just a little over 12 hrs until I leave for the airport, there is a strange sort of calm at this very moment. The last 24hrs have been filled with packing, making last minute arrangements, a minor breakdown, a major breakdown...and then...all of a sudden...peace. A calm that surprisingly came over me. Then, I started to listen to this song,

"We will remember
We will remember
The works of Your hands
We will stop
And give You praise
For Great is your faithfulness

You are our creator
Our life sustainer
Our comfort and joy
Throughout the ages
You have been our shelter
Our peace in the midst of the storm..."

(Tommy Walker, "We Will Remember")

This peace I'm feeling right now...I don't know exactly what to do with it. Or maybe, I don't have to do anything with it...but simply enjoy it. Maybe now is the time to mentally and spiritually prepare for this next phase of my life.

So, here I go...


mikey said...

OH My Gosh!!!!!! I cannot believe that your off to China now!! Good luck Jane, may God take care of you and continue to bring peace to you when you need it most. I am so awe struck.......jealous and proud of you!! You rock Kiddo!!! I am going to put this link in my fav's and try to keep in touch. Go with your heart and with Gods grace, and have a wonderful time.
Mikey & KJ's

holeysocks said...

i like you so much.

bonne voyage, friend. i'm glad you're going in peace.

i'll be thinking of you during the inevitable first night freakout. i'm with you in spirit!